“This is our last try. If that doesn’t work, we’re shutting it down.”
... my co-founder said. “I don’t have the energy to try again.” He looked depleted. At this point, we had tried a lot.Before all this, I (Uli) had been a VC for a $100M firm headed by a Google board member.There I had seen thousands of startup pitches. And often, I was baffled to see brilliant founders struggling to pitch their products.That would never happen to me, though. Never.Then I left VC and started my own business. Come launch day, I was expecting an avalanche of customers to burst through our (digital) doors.But then… crickets. After obsessively refreshing our analytics, thinking it was a bug, I realized we had failed. Nobody cared. A flop. A fizzle.When I talked to customers the next day, it turned out they had no clue why our product would be worth their time - or money.Our carefully worded marketing meant something different to them. And to many, it meant nothing.What we didn't know...
When customers don't understand how you can help them, they don't tell you. They just smile and nod and move on.
So, we redid our sales page and spent hours honing our value proposition. I even learned copywriting. But still... people weren't buying.Shortly after that, my co-founder really did throw in the towel.And I was about to do the same when a successful entrepreneur I knew gave me a piece of advice that changed everything for me.He said, “whatever you do, always start with a story.” And he showed me his system. A few simple techniques he uses to win people over with stories."But isn't it weird to tell a story on a website or in an email?" I asked.
"It's not weird," he said, "but it's not intuitive either. That's why most people don't do it. Give it a shot."
I was skeptical and about to pack everything in when I thought, "I'll probably embarrass myself, but what the hell. I can at least try."And what I thought was a hail mary, started making sense quickly. Not only did I stop guessing at the words I was using, but the story poured out of me. Tweaking it was fairly simple, too.Since then, customers point out my stories (emails, websites, slide decks) as the thing that made them buy my products.Using stories to sell to my customers changed the trajectory of my life. I can now sell products and services without having any real marketing experience. And it helped me make a great living.So I put what my entrepreneur friend taught me into a course. Because one thing stunned me...
The most powerful storytelling techniques are simple. I learned them in only 2 weeks.
And so can you.Because I know you're friggin' busy. And you don't have time to waste on a course that's just meh.That's why I made this to work for you. I'll send you an email every day for 10 days. Each one a piping-hot skill espresso that'll have you telling stories with the sensitivity of a 17th-century poet and the swagger of an MMA fighter.I'll be teaching you a system that will have your customers...- Understand why they need you
- Open their wallets
- Follow you on social media
- Book your services
- Buy your product
- Buy your product again
"Nobody ever made a decision because of a number. People need stories."
– Daniel Kahneman, 2002 Nobel Prize winner for his insights into human decision making
A proven storytelling system to give your customers the Aha! moment they're looking for
In 10 value-packed email lessons, you learn how open your customers' hearts and wallets with stories. Spend just 1h/week learning to craft profitable stories across all media. No charisma or copywriting skills needed.
Find stories worth telling
from your work and life
You'll be amazed at how easy it is to find great stories. And how many you already have.
Make people feel
what you want them to feel
You can get the emotional response you want. If you do it right. Learn simple techniques to do it.
Use the Elon Musk story framework for slide decks
Get a template for the best story deck ever made. (not a design.) Your PowerPoints will never be the same again.
Hook your audience
and don't let them go...
There are tricks to make people curious. Learn how to do it and get my database of hooks.
Pitch anything with
confidence in 30 seconds
No more stumbling or studdering when pitching. You'll get a template for a story one-liner that works every time.
Use storytelling to go viral
on social media
Watch me break down how a story can get crazy engagement on social media. And then do it yourself.
"I love the format of it. Short, actionable lessons."
– Steven Ellis, Founder of Storyman Productions
"Super practical guide to telling better stories. It's great as is. Perhaps a YouTube version?"
– Erlank Pienaar, Self-employed Hospitality Consultant
Imitate. Then innovate.
I will show you great stories (and why they're great).Learning from the best is a shortcut. That’s why I’ve put together money-making, high-converting, swipe-worthy stories that you can… well... copy.And then create your own.
let's make this better
Private story reviews
Sometimes, it's good to get a second pair of eyes to look at your work.When you sign up for the course you get one free story review from me. You'll get a video where I explain how to tweak your story.Whatever your story might be... a blog post, a Twitter thread, a landing page, a slide deck... just send it over.
Templates and cheat sheets
Wherever there are shortcuts, I want you to take 'em. I'm sharing my best storytelling resources with you to boost your progress.
"I'm normally wary of courses. But totally digging this one. Easy to consume and already had some early "wins". Just started using the slide deck template. Game changer 💥"
– Fabian Lehn, Senior Marketing Manager at Autodesk
free storytelling lesson
Not sure yet? No worries. Try it for free.
I want you to know what you're buying. So, I'll send you one of the course lessons free of charge.You'll learn how to grab your audience's attention with open loops. A powerful storytelling trick that hooks people like nothing else.
What's included
This course is built for busy people to get maximum value
10 high-converting storytelling techniques you can apply to anything
7 annotated breakdowns of stories that have made $$$ (that you can copy)
A story template for your 30-sec elevator pitch and value proposition
Elon Musk's story slide deck template that'll captivate people even if you studder
My personal open loops cheat sheet to hook your audience's attention until they beg for more
I will review your story (whatever it is) and help you make it so magnetic it'll stick to the fridge
Join +100 storytellers
I couldn’t find a storytelling course on the internet below $599. And I think that’s too much.So right now, get your seat for $99.There’s a 14-day money-back guarantee. No questions asked.
Get instant access the minute you join!
Trusted by creators from places like
how to tell stories that sell
for creators and entrepreneurs
Make people buy the story
10 actionable course lessons
The most powerful storytelling techniques
7 Story breakdowns
3 Storytelling templates
30-sec story pitch template
Story slide deck template
Open loops cheat sheet
Learn on your own time
Alright. BUT...
Who is this for?If you're a creator, entrepreneur or self-employed and are looking to market your solution in a unique and non-cringey way - then this course is for you. Doesn't matter if you just started out or if you're a pro.Who is this NOT for?If you're just looking to level up your conversational skills this is probably not right for you. This course is focused on how to tell stories to sell products and services.Uggh... another course?Skeptical? Don't put this course in that "maybe" folder, together with the Chinese tea seminar you might possibly want to do, just yet. Because...Even if you suffer from course overload...Even if you think storytelling is not a foundational skill but icing on the cake...Even if you're already too busy to blow dry your hair in the morning...... learning to tell stories that sell will take your business to the next level and give you peace of mind about your marketing.
Still not sure?
Check out reviews of my storytelling tools from +50 creators and entrepreneurs